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Chronicles Abroad

Mar 31, 2020

How do you make your videos stand out and go viral? Going viral isn't easy and sometimes videos go viral when we least expect it. However, there are somethings that you can do to make your video stand out.

Parchelle breaks down the 7-step formula that she uses with her clients to make their videos impactful. She recommends focusing on "edutaining" your audience. Which means, combine education with entertainment to have the most impact.

Here are the 7 Steps:
1. Know your audience.
2. Have SMART goals in place.
3. Structure your script.
4. Edutain.
5. Entice your audience with a strong CTA (call to action).
6. Distribute and re-distribute.
7. Review the data.

Start Grinding

Review this 7-Step formula and let us know which one you do really well and which one do you need to improve on. With these steps in place, now you can start grinding!

Resources mentioned:

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You can also check Parchelle out on her website.

She's also on these platforms: InstagramFacebook, and Twitter 

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