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Chronicles Abroad

Oct 14, 2019

On the last Monday Message for the season, Frantzces talks about what it means to live a life you love.

What does that mean? It will mean different things to different people. But living a life you love means living a life on your terms. Living a life that mostly allows you to feel good.

The reason most aren’t living a life they love or a life they are proud of is because somewhere they disconnected to what used to make them feel good.

This can also mean, living a life that isn’t in alignment. Whether that’s professionally, in your relationships or even spiritually, the question is do you feel good most of the time or some of the time?

So, listen as Frantzces explains why this matters.

Would you like to continue the conversation? Reach out to Frantzces at

Want to connect more with Frantzces? Check her out on these following social media platforms:

Instagram: @Frantzceslys or @chronicles_abroad

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